Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big Springs Campout - Aug 2012

Had a great time at Big Springs in Island Park.  We had the campground virtually to ourselves.  After getting fires started and camp setup the boys prepared Dutch Oven pizzas and brownies.  Great fun was had watching over the brew they inexplicably christened the "Hairy Buffalo" (Kool-Aid carbonated with dry ice.)

After dinner we listened to the story of Louis Zamperini, an Olympian, World War II hero and exemplary Christian.  Then it was off to bed.

In the morning the fires were lit again and a hunter's breakfast of sausage, onions, hash browns and eggs were set cooking in a Dutch Oven on the stove.  The boys enjoyed a quick walk to the Johnny Sack Cabin at Big Springs, and then returned to enjoy breakfast. 

Camp was quickly struck, and then Br. Shane Thompson provided a primer on the canoeing/kyaking that would be done in the "Native" canoes.  We drove to the put-in a quarter mile downstream and made our way down to Mack's Inn following the many curves of the nearly-too-shallow stream.  

The boys and leaders enjoyed a refreshing dip at the rope swing.  Garett made a special reprisal of his showing at Packsaddle Lake; this time on purpose with a resounding (I meant to do that) belly flop thwack.  
