Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 2012 - Green Canyon

Our original plan was to camp at Heise Hot Springs, but since it was closed for maintenance we returned this year to Green Canyon Hot Springs.

After a misadventure filling our water jugs we loaded up at the Church parking lot and were on our way to Green Canyon.  The first order of business was getting our tents up, and then it was on to the dinner prep.

The boys had planned their menu on Tuesday night, and James had convinced the others to make a dish lovingly referred to as either a "Sausage Bomb" or "Bacon Explosion".  Kudos to Nathan who played the roll of bacon weaver and sausage sculptor, and Jacob and Carl for finishing out the prep for the other dishes - Dutch Oven potatoes and Peach dump cake.

After all was placed in the Dutch ovens and the coals were set we headed off to the pool for some playing and soaking in the warm spring waters.

After the swim, the boys were plenty warm, and ready to make their favorite beverage: Harry Buffalo.  The name is an enigma born a few months ago on our campout to Big Springs, but they insist each month on making homemade soda with an assortment of Kool-Aid packets and plenty of sugar.

The Bacon Explosion was well done, and we finished cooking the potatoes on the grill in time to eat and tuck into bed.

In the morning we awoke to very temperate weather.  Especially when compared to conditions last year.  The boys roused themselves and after packing up their gear began making their breakfast burritos.

They grilled chorizo, onions, garlic along with truly re-fried pinto beans and eggs.  The mix was then wrapped in grilled flour tortillas along with cheese and their choice of Herdez salsas or Tapatio sauce.

A favorite moment for any scout leader - seeing the boys line up at the end to do a walkthrough to ensure that they Leave No Trace.  A great habit to culture for the rest of their lives...